MTAI Retreat September 8th, 9th and 10th

Music on the Edge: Celebrating Our Profession in a Changing World

Where: The Canby Grove Retreat Center
7051 S. Knights Bridge Road, Canby, Oregon
7.25 C.E.U.s available for attending (optional sessions not included in this total. Complete overview of C.E.U.s will be included in the conference packet participants receive during registration)

Sunday, September 8th

4:00pm  Registration and room assignments

6:00pm  Dinner, announcements and housekeeping

7:30pm  Opening Ceremony

Monday, September 9th

6:30am  (optional session) Authentic Movement ∼ Catharine Scherer.

7:30am Breakfast

Each session will begin with a musical offering provided by our fellow conference attendees who have volunteered to share a musical offering. 

8:45am We Were Made For These Times ∼ Catharine DeLong and Jayne Demakos

1030 Break

10:45am  Sacred Moments at the Bedside ∼ Jean Madden and Julie Smith

12:00 pm  Lunch

1:00 pm  Self Care: swimming, basketball, sand volleyball, explore Canby Grove, OR opportunity to view Harp Care Video

3:00pm Sacred Music ∼ Dia Walker, Anna Fiasca, Catharine DeLong and Margaret Pasquesi

5:00pm  Dinner

6:00pm  (optional session) Changing Harp Strings tutorial facilitated by Catharine DeLong. (Bring your strings and prepare to change harp strings if you wish to participate)

Tuesday, September 10th

We must be out of our rooms by 10:00am

6:30am  (optional session) Authentic Movement ∼ Catharine Scherer

7:30am Breakfast

Each session will begin with a musical offering provided by our fellow conference attendees who have volunteered to share a musical offering.

8:45am Expanding Our Music with Cultural Awareness ∼ Julie Smith and Jean Madden

10:10am Break

10:20am Annual Business Meeting Full and Retired Members only

12:30pm Lunch

1:20pm Closing Ceremony

“Where we walk in the world, what we do in the world, what we say in the world, may we carry peace for the world and all beings.”


This retreat is for MTAI members and you are welcome to join MTAI. We have different levels of membership based on your needs. If you are not a member, please click here to join as a Friend; Associate; or Full or Retired Member.


Please click here for the registration page.